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14th August 2020

A record of the official handing over of the Pavilion to Pontesbury Parish Council, with great thanks to Howard Thorne and Shropshire Homes.

The Pavilion has already proved to be a great community asset, temporarily housing the local foodshare scheme, supporting the setting up of a Good Neighbours Scheme and opening Monday as the new library. We look forward to seeing you!

The library will be open to five members of the public at any one time (following government guidelines) from Monday 17 August 2020 on;

Monday 10am to 12noon.

Tuesday 10am to 3pm (closed 1pm to 2pm).

Thursday 2pm to 4pm.

Saturday 10am to 12noon.

Pictured, social distancing to witness the handover of the Pavilion keys are (left to right): Yvonne Davies (Chair Friends of Pontesbury Library), Cllr Nick Hignett (Shropshire Council/Pontesbury Parish Council), Cllr Duncan Fletcher (Chair Pontesbury Parish Council), Howard Thorne (Shropshire Homes, Cllr Roger Evans (Shropshire Council/Pontesbury Parish Council), Debbie Marais (Parish Clerk)

27th July 2020


There is still time to give us your views by completing the Neighbourhood Plan questionnaire – either the paper copy delivered to your house or online!


The Pontesbury Parish Neighbourhood Plan will set out policies to help ensure a sustainable, vibrant and thriving community for the foreseeable future. For instance, helping to protect the Parish against inappropriate and unwanted development, protecting our green spaces, and supporting new community initiatives.

It is being put together by volunteer residents for the benefit of everyone in the community.

Earlier in July a survey was delivered by post, to every household in the parish. Please take time to complete and return it by Friday 31 July 2020, and let us know what kind of community you would like to live in.  You can also complete the questionnaire online at www.pontesburyneighbourhoodplan.org.uk.  If you have the option of completing it online please do so, as your answers won’t need to be transcribed and it will save costs.  However, we do realise that this is not an option for everyone and we really want to hear the views of as many people as possible so there is also a freepost envelope included for  you to return the print questionnaire.


Many thanks and we look forward to hearing your views.


27th July 2020


There is still time to give us your views by completing the Neighbourhood Plan questionnaire – either the paper copy delivered to your house or online!


The Pontesbury Parish Neighbourhood Plan will set out policies to help ensure a sustainable, vibrant and thriving community for the foreseeable future. For instance, helping to protect the Parish against inappropriate and unwanted development, protecting our green spaces, and supporting new community initiatives.

It is being put together by volunteer residents for the benefit of everyone in the community.

Earlier in July a survey was delivered by post, to every household in the parish. Please take time to complete and return it by Friday 31 July 2020, and let us know what kind of community you would like to live in.  You can also complete the questionnaire online at www.pontesburyneighbourhoodplan.org.uk.  If you have the option of completing it online please do so, as your answers won’t need to be transcribed and it will save costs.  However, we do realise that this is not an option for everyone and we really want to hear the views of as many people as possible so there is also a freepost envelope included for  you to return the print questionnaire.


Many thanks and we look forward to hearing your views.


27th July 2020

A close up of text on a black background</p>
<p>Description automatically generated Vision for a green future – Still places available

Help us create the vision for a green future and tackling climate change in Pontesbury through our

neighbourhood plan at an online workshop on Thursday, 30 July at 6pm.

Pontesbury Parish Council is developing a Neighbourhood Plan to give our community a much bigger

say in how the area develops over the next 15–20 years. The plan needs widespread public engagement

so that it reflects the needs and interests of the community, and ensures that development and change

happen in ways that are genuinely sustainable.

The public is more concerned about climate change than ever before. The UK government has

committed to reduce carbon emissions to nothing by 2050, so within the period of our plan, radical

action needs to be well underway to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the impacts of

climate change.

We want your help to see how Pontesbury could contribute. What will Pontesbury be like in 2030?

How have we changed things to make it greener (ideally zero carbon), and more sustainable? How have

we changed the way we generate and use energy, how we travel, the buildings we live and work in, and

where we put new development? How are we protecting and enhancing wildlife and adapting to extreme

weather? And how could these changes make Pontesbury a better, healthier place to live and work?

The 3 hour workshop will be facilitated by the Centre for Sustainable Energy. No specialist knowledge

is needed, just enthusiasm to get involved and openness to think about the future. The outputs will be

policy ideas for inclusion within your neighbourhood plan and ideas for possible community actions

and initiatives to run in parallel with it. Please contact the Parish Clerk on clerk@pontesburypc.org.uk

if you would like to attend. Limited places available.



7th July 2020

We are pleased to say that the play area off Station Road has now partially reopened.  Please be aware of the new government guidelines that now apply to all play areas and realise that coronavirus safety is also in your hands.  The council is unable to monitor or clean all play areas on a frequent basis and so we are asking you to take on this responsibility by:

• Social distancing
• If the play area is busy, wait or come back later
• Using your own hand sanitiser gel before and after your visit
• Please take any litter and wipes home with you

We have a few maintenance issues with the junior play area so unfortunately this will need to stay closed for a bit longer.  We are working on this as fast as we can as we know how beneficial outdoor play is to young children. 

Thank you for your patience.


3rd July 2020

We are excited to launch our new website which is designed to explain what the Neighbourhood Plan is and how Pontesbury Parish residents can be involved in the shaping the plan and the future of the parish.  We are currently conducting a survey of your views.  A printed copy of the questionnaire will arrive through the post next week with a return envelope.  If, however, you would like to fill the survey in online please visit the website.  We are encouraging people to fill it online as it saves time and costs.  Thank you.

if you live within Pontesbury Parish, please feel free to browse our site and become involved in the future of our community. Please share this site with anyone you think may be interested.  The more people that get involved the better.

Our new web page is open for viewing at https://www.pontesburyneighbourhoodplan.org.uk

12th May 2020

This is a link to the Recovery Strategy published May 2020

5th May 2020


Join Shropshire Council and the county’s military community on Friday 8 May 2020 to commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE Day (Victory in Europe).

An image of VE Day celebrations in Shrewsbury in 1945.

Many planned events have sadly been scaled back due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, there are still lots of ways you can get involved and show your support whilst staying at home.

Ann Hartley, Chairman of Shropshire Council, said:

“It’s so important that we continue to remember those who gave so much for us.

“There are many similarities in the struggles of the Second World War and what we are going through today. We’re facing some of the most challenging times since the Second World War came to an end in Europe and Japan. With the similarities between then and now, it is more important than ever that we come together to recognise the service to our nation, just as Shropshire communities did 75 years ago.

 “I look forward to seeing what everyone is doing right across Shropshire, so please do share with us!”

Commemorate at home

There are lots of things you can do from the safety of your home to show your support to the VE Day commemorations.

There is a dedicated toolkit for resources and branding for your activities, including celebrations at home or in your care setting. This includes bunting and posters you can print and display in your home and windows.

You can even create your own VE Day party at home. Visit this website to find details of a VE Day menu and party playlist!

Share your photos and videos with #VEDay75 and @ShropCouncil.

Share you stories with us

Shropshire played an important role in WW2 with regiments of the KSLI fighting at home and abroad and being a rural centre of evacuation.

We would love to hear of your family stories as part of the commemorations for VE Day 75. Share on social media and tag us or simply send your story to communications@shropshire.gov.uk.

Activities for children and schools

For schools and young people, historian and presenter Dan Snow has set a challenge, for school-aged children to research what VE Day is all about, and you can enter now.

Listen to Dan Snow himself tell you more about the challenge and how you can take part:


National moment of remembrance

There will be a national moment of Remembrance at 11am during a Two Minute Silence and The Royal British Legion is hosting a VE Day 75 livestream, available at rbl.org.uk/veday75. The BBC will honour and celebrate the World War Two Generation with an evening of memories and music on BBC One at 8pm. In a fitting finale at 9pm we will see the nation unite for a very special rendition of “We’ll Meet Again”.

The Nation’s Toast

“To those who gave so much, we thank you.”

Join others across Shropshire and the UK in the Nation’s Toast to the Heroes of WW2 at 3pm on Friday 8 May.

From the safety of your own home, stand up and raise a glass of refreshment of your choice.

This is a unique opportunity to pay tribute to the many millions at home and abroad that gave so much to ensure we all enjoy and share the freedom we have.

What is VE Day?

VE Day marks the day when Second World War came to an end in Europe. It takes place on 8 May every year, and this year we commemorate 75 years since weapons were laid down in Europe.

The war in the East did not end until the summer of 1945 when Japan surrendered. This day is remembered each year as Victory over Japan or VJ Day. Commemorations take place across the world on 15 August each year.

For further information on any of the above activities, please visit https://www.shropshire.gov.uk/armed-forces-support/armed-forces-covenant/

Support for Shropshire’s military community

The Armed Forces Outreach is designed to provide and support to all military personnel, veterans and their families. Working with the service charities, local organisations and businesses, the outreach signposts and facilitates to ensure that current and former military personnel have access to the right support.

For more information, visit the website or contact our Armed Forces outreach support by emailing SAFCC@Shropshire.gov.uk or calling 01743 255933.

Keep up to date

We want to keep you as up to date and informed as possible. To help us do this, please sign-up to receive our email updates.

These updates will include key Shropshire Council news, important updates from our partners and service specific information.  Sign-up now.

Please do encourage your family and friends to sign up to the updates too. This will help us keep everyone up to date.


4th May 2020

 Message from Royal British Legion

As members of the public are no longer able to attend national and regional VE Day 75 commemorations or events due to the Covid-19 pandemic, The Royal British Legion is playing a central role in the delivery of a range of remote activity for people to participate in from home. This includes a VE Day 75 livestream, national moments of remembrance and thanksgiving and a learning pack for young people.

 As society faces some of the most challenging times since of the Second World War, it is now more important than ever to unite in recognition of service to the nation, just as communities did 75 years ago. The Legion is therefore calling on people across the UK to join in a national moment of reflection and Remembrance at 11am on Friday 8th May and pause for a Two Minute Silence, not only in recognition of the service and sacrifice of the Second World War generation, but also to reflect on the devastating impact Covid-19 has had on so many lives across the world.

Two Minute Silence

People are invited to take part in the Silence in whatever way they feel appropriate be that standing at their window, stepping outside their home, whilst remaining distanced from others, or taking the opportunity for a quiet moment of reflection. To build momentum towards this important moment, partner organisations across the sector and beyond are encouraged to engage stakeholders and share the call to come together in Remembrance at 11am.

Royal British Legion Livestream

Following the Silence the Legion is hosting a VE Day livestream, sharing stories and memories from those who served and sacrificed during the Second World War. Hosted by TV presenter Sonali Shah, the programme will feature contributions from social historian Julie Summers and cook and influencer Melissa Helmsley. The stream will be live from 1115 on the Legion’s website. rbl.org.uk/veday75

VE Day 75: The People’s Celebration BBC ONE:  20:00 – 21:10 

To mark the 75th anniversary of VE day, in these unprecedented times, the BBC in partnership with the Royal British Legion will honour and celebrate the World War Two Generation with an evening of memories and music.  Featuring some of those who remember this historic day, together with Britain’s favourite performers who will entertain us with popular songs of the era.  In a fitting finale at 9.00 pm we will see the nation unite for a very special rendition of “We’ll Meet Again” as across the UK we all give thanks to our veterans and remember our loved ones.

We’ll Meet Again’ Singalong

Later in the day members of the public are encouraged to enjoy a moment of celebration and thanksgiving by taking part in a UK-wide rendition of Dame Vera Lynn’s ‘We’ll Meet Again’ at 9pm. BBC One will feature the singalong as part of its VE Day 75 evening broadcast.

Lyrics available on The Royal British Legion website https://www.rbl.org.uk/stories/ve-day-singalong

VE Day Learning Pack

Links to Legion activities, including the learning pack, and further information on how to get involved are on the Legion’s website www.rbl.org.uk/veday75. Designed for 7-14 year olds the learning pack includes first-hand accounts from the Second World War generation, veteran interviews and a range of activities to allow families to explore and commemorate VE Day 75 together. People can follow the activity on social media using #VEDay75 and #VEDay75Live during the livestream.


There are many parallels between the struggles of the Second World War and what the world is  going through today, and looking to the Second World War generation, their resilience and determination, helps inspire today’s generation in these difficult times.


Royal British Legion Schedule

1100-1102          – Two Minute Silence

1115-1200          – The Royal British Legion VE75 Livestream

2000-2110          – VE Day 75: The People’s Celebration, BBC One

2100                      – ‘We’ll Meet Again’ Singalong


Kind regards


Jenny Robey

Community Fundraiser – Shropshire

Mobile: 07918 562902



RBL c/o Friends of the Flaxmill Maltings

Flaxivity Office

Spring Gardens



3rd April 2020


Coronavirus: grants now available to small businesses and retail / leisure businesses

02-04-2020 04:54 PM BST


Shropshire’s small businesses, and businesses in the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors, can apply for Government funding through the coronavirus COVID-19 Small…


Coronavirus: Keeping busy with Shropshire Archives

02-04-2020 02:22 PM BST


While Shropshire Archives is closed due to coronavirus, there are a number of ways you can stay engaged. All of our events…



Coronavirus: Council streetworks team supplies signage for new assessment centre

02-04-2020 02:06 PM BST


Shropshire Councils streetworks team has been working closely with the NHS and highways contractor Kier to supply the signage and equipment needed…


Newsflash - Ancestry Library and Find My Past - free access


Shropshire Libraries

Free access to Ancestry Library and Find My Past

For a limited time while our libraries are closed, you can now access Ancestry Library and Find My Past for free through Shropshire Libraries website. Simply log into the Shropshire Libraries Catalogue with your library card number and your pin number and start researching. Click here to find out more.


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