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22nd January 2021


The Pavilion Community Hub and Library - Serving Pontesbury and the wider Rea Valley communities

During the current lockdown the Library is running a Ready Reads (Click & Collect) service, although the building is closed to the public.  More information about this can be found on the Shropshire Library Service website www.shropshire.gov.uk/libraries.   The building continues to provide support for the Community Good Neighbours Scheme Pontesbury and Rea Valley (as a postal address and for DBS checks for volunteers) and as a venue for St Barnabas debt advice sessions. The Friends of Pontesbury Library (FOPL) library lottery is open again for business along with some exciting online entertainment.  Check out the FOPL website for more information. https://pontesburylibrary.co.uk/


During the Friends of Pontesbury Library/St George’s Christmas trail, the Pavilion ‘Secret Garden’ which had been beautifully decorated, was open for visitors.  A big thank you to everyone involved. 


We are currently inviting people to join our ‘Spring Blossoms in the Pavilion Secret Garden’ community art project and make flowers, insects, birds, bees etc. to decorate the garden for when we can open the building again in Spring.  Check out the Pavilion website www.pontesburypavilion.co.uk/ for ideas of what to make and more information about how you can get involved. 

A group of colorful flowers</p>
<p>Description automatically generated with low confidence  A close up of a flower</p>
<p>Description automatically generated with medium confidenceA picture containing connector, close, footwear</p>
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22nd January 2021



Community Good Neighbours

Pontesbury and Rea Valley

If you’re alone, elderly or isolated our local volunteers can help with a friendly chat over the phone, collecting your prescription or shopping.

Do give us a call on 07944 891 953 and leave your name and number!

You can also follow or contact us on:

Facebook: Goodneigbourspontesbury.org.uk

Website: www.goodneighbourspontesbury.org.uk

Email: help@goodneighbourspontesbury.org.uk

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February 2021 update.  We currently have over 40 volunteers being trained and getting involved in helping around the community which is a great help during these difficult times.  Don’t forget to contact us if you would benefit from some help with shopping/prescription deliveries, especially if you are shielding.  You can contact us on 07944891953, by email or now through our facebook site (see web address above).  Please also get in touch if you are interested in volunteering.  We are also looking for someone to help with administration and some additional members for the Steering group who co-ordinate the project. 


Thank you as always to all of our local funders – Pontesbury Cricket Club, Pontesbury Charity, Pontesbury, Minsterley & Hanwood parish councils, Allcare, Severn Rotary, St George’s Church, and the many individuals within the community.


15th January 2021

Pontesbury Parish Council has a vacancy for a Deputy Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer to commence work ideally by 6 April 2021.

Closing date for Applications: 17.00 on Friday 12th February 2021

Pontesbury Parish Council is looking for a methodical and experienced person to join the parish council team of Parish Clerk, Pavilion Building Assistant and Councillors.  In addition to a wide range of facilities managed by the council, it is currently overseeing the preparation of a Neighbourhood Plan and intends to roll out its strategic plan for 2021-21 – a programme of events and services to benefit the community. This is an interesting and varied position working mainly from home.

Pontesbury Parish is comprised of the thriving, large village of Pontesbury (7 miles from the county town of Shrewsbury) in Shropshire and various smaller villages/settlements within the rural surrounding area. The parish council serves a population of approximately 4000. There are 15 councillors covering 5 wards.


The post holder will:

  • Fulfil the role of the responsible finance officer as required by the Local Audit and Accountability Accounts and Audit Regulations legislation
  • To be responsible for all aspects of the council's finances including governance, accountability, transparency and audit requirements
  • Provide administrative support for two Parish Council Committees
  • Oversee the day to day running of The Pavilion (Community Building) alongside the Pavilion Building Assistant/Cleaner
  • Support the Clerk with various Parish Council services/amenities

We are looking for a highly motivated, enthusiastic and community focused individual with sound financial management, administrative, communication and organisational skills who is able to be flexible in their approach and able to meet deadlines.

The salary is based on 18.5 hours per week. The Salary will be calculated according to the Nation Joint Council rates dependent upon qualifications and/or experience but will be within the SCP 20 - 24 (£25,991 - £28,672 pro-rata for 18.5 hours).

Interviews, including a short presentation, will be held on Monday 22 February 2021 with a view to start by 6 April 2021.  Interviews may be held virtually depending on COVID-19 restrictions.

Please see links below for an application form, job description or further information,  or email clerk@pontesburypc.org.uk/call Parish Clerk on 01691 661157.  Contact the Parish Clerk for an informal discussion about this post.

More information about The Pavilion, community building can be found at www.pontesburypavilion.co.uk


14th January 2021

Criminals are using the COVID-19 vaccine as a way to target the public by tricking them to hand over cash or financial details. They are sending convincing looking
text messages letting people know they are eligible for the vaccine or phoning people directly pretending to be from the NHS, or local pharmacy.


please see poster attached for more details

4th January 2021

The census is a snapshot of our country, its people and their lives that takes place every 10 years and the next one is on the 21st March. The census in England and Wales is conducted by the independent Office for National Statistics.


The census is important for Shropshire. This is a largely rural county of 1200 square miles with a widely dispersed population and a variety of industries which means there are challenges for the council when planning services and allocating funding. The accuracy of the information that the census provides is crucial to ensuring that we all have schools of the right size, doctors surgeries in the right place and the transport infrastructure that we need to get to work.


The importance of the census was highlighted following the 2011 census when the Shropshire population was shown to have unexpectedly grown by 10,000. That resulted in the increased allocation of landing for building and the large increase in house building over the past 3-4 years.


The 2021 census will enable information to be accessed more quickly than before as a result of it being primarily carried out online.

Anyone with a computer, tablet or smartphone will be able to complete the census. It actually is quicker to complete it online although we haven’t forgotten that some people will need to complete the census on a paper form.


The 2021 census will include 3 new questions regarding service in the armed forces together with optional questions about sexual orientation and gender identification. The answers will help to support the Armed Forces Covenant and allow people to identify as they wish.


The information that the census provides is important for national, local government  and charities. The ONS ensures all the data is confidential and protected. No personal information is released for 100 years.


The ONS is obviously aware of the implications of Covid and its teams will be complying with all regulations so that the public is protected. Some people ask why the census is still going to take place against the background of Covid? The answer is that it will be more important than ever to record the impact of this exceptional virus upon the population, our lifestyles and jobs among other factors.



We all have to complete the census by law. The Shropshire team will support households, those in care and anyone that requires help to complete the census. We will have 6 Census Support Centres throughout the county and helplines will also be provided. In the coming weeks more information about the census will be provided on television, the radio and through social media. It’s a great opportunity for us all to help plan our future.


To find out more please visit our website https://census.gov.uk/


Roger Belham

Census Engagement Manager for Shropshire


17th December 2020

In 2021 the parish council is launching the Pontesbury Parish Strategic Plan.  The purpose of this plan is dual purpose.  We hope the plan will provide the residents of the Parish with a clearer understanding of the Council’s activities and legal responsibilities.  The second purpose is to involve you as a community in setting the priorities and objectives for the next four years for council work and monies spent.   The Strategic Plan will be a “living  document” which will be reviewed with the community each year.  The aim is to launch our draft plan, for your feedback, at the Annual Parish Meeting 2021, which will be held later in the year (when Government guidelines allow).   At the Parish Meeting we also want to celebrate all of the wonderful community spirit shown throughout 2020, bring together all of the great local groups and societies who do so much in the community and launch the Pontesbury Parish community awards. Please download the draft Strategic Plan by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page.

Plans for the year ahead include:

  • Continued  conversion  of  all  our  streetlights  from Sox to Led to save energy used, in line with our carbon zero ambitions
  • Continuing work on maintaining and updating our very popular play area
  • Improvements to the pedestrian safety at the junctions on Hall Bank.  This work will also include measures to help alleviate flooding
  • Taking forward the ambition for a bus  park at Mary Webb School 
  • Continuing work on the Pontesbury Parish Neighbourhood Plan
  • Drawing up an action plan for reaching carbon zero by 2030 through work with the Pontesbury Climate Emergency Action Group

and of course we will be having our local elections in May

14th October 2020


Employed or self-employed people on low incomes who are told to self-isolate, but whose income would be hit by staying at home, can now claim a £500 support payment.

From Monday 12 October 2020, Test and Trace payments of £500 will be available to those who meet the eligibility criteria and have been told to self-isolate on or after 28 September 2020, either because they have tested positive for coronavirus or have recently been in close contact with someone who has tested positive.

To be eligible for the Test and Trace Support Payment, an individual must be:

  • asked to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace either because they’ve tested positive for coronavirus or have recently been in close contact with someone who has tested positive
  • employed or self-employed
  • unable to work from home and will lose income as a result, and
  • currently receiving Universal Credit, Working Tax Credit, income-based Employment and Support Allowance, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Income Support, Housing Benefit and/or Pension Credit.

You can find out further details and submit a claim for the scheme 



18th September 2020

If you get sent a text asking you for jury service, please do not click on the link.  It is a scam and you will be asked for bank account details for jury service expenses.  If you have clicked on the link or given out personal/financial information please contact ActionFraud


Tel: 0300 123 2040