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30th March 2020


Shropshire Libraries have a great selection of e-resources readily available at your fingertips from e-books and e-audio to e-magazinese-newspapersCommunity Directory to even Shropshire Libraries Facebook Book Group.  Double click on the words in blue to find the web addresses.

We are continuously working on improving our online services and will be adding more e-resources to the Shropshire Libraries webpage to brighten up your days and help keep you entertained while at home.

Not a library member yet? Don’t worry, it’s easy to join online.

For more information, visit Shropshire Libraries website.

While Shropshire Libraries are closed, we strongly advise you to follow Government advice and stay at home.  Please follow the latest Stay at Home advice to help stop the spread of coronavirus.

  • Only go outside for food, health reasons or work (where this absolutely cannot be done from home)
  • Stay 2 metres (6ft) away from other people
  • Do not meet others, even friends and family
  • Wash your hands as soon as you get home

For daily coronavirus news and updates, sign-up up to our email updates.






26th March 2020

Chatterbox telephone befriending service are looking for more volunteers to do telephone befriending at this time - get in touch by emailing


25th March 2020

Apologies but we have had to shut the public toilets on School Green until further notice,

following government guidelines issued on Monday 23 March 2020


We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

25th March 2020

Useful contact numbers
In an emergency call 999

To report safeguarding concerns, please contact the numbers below:

Ring the First Point of Contact team on 0345 678 9044
Monday to Thursday, 9am to 5pm, and Friday 9am to 4pm

Children or Young People
Contact the First Point of Contact (FPOC), Children's Services on 0345 678 9021.
Monday to Thursday, 9am to 5pm, and Friday 9am to 4pm

If you have urgent safeguarding concerns outside of these hours for an adult, child or young person, please phone the Emergency Social Work Duty Team on 0345 678 9040

Crossroads Together, Shropshire
Carers Support Line: 01743 341995 General Enquiries: 0333 323 1990, Option 1, then Option 6 Email: General Enquiries: shropshire@crossroadstogether.org.uk

Up to date information about Coronavirus (Covid-19) https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/

Covid -19 A guide to social distancing

Staying at home guidance

24th March 2020

The play area off Station Road, will be closed until further notice following government guidelines issued on Monday 23 March 2020


This closure is to help stress to people the importance of social distancing as set out by the Government and help to reduce the spread of coronavirus. 

The footpath and green spaces are still accessible so that people can exercise, however it is vital that people follow the Government’s guidance and stay at least 2 metres apart.  Please do not congregate in large groups. 

Please stay in your homes as much as you can and avoid social contact wherever possible. 


Thank you for your co-operation


Duncan Fletcher

Pontesbury Parish Council Chair 

19th March 2020

We are very disappointed to have to report that the official opening of The Pavilion on Monday 6th April, 2020 has been postponed until further notice.  Details about whether Pontesbury Library will re-open on Monday 6th April at the Pavilion will be available on the Shropshire Library Service website www.shropshire.gov.uk/libraries and/or on the parish council website www.pontesburyparishcouncil.org.uk.  These websites will also report information when we set another date for the opening.

  • For information on Pontesbury Pavilion visit


  • For more information on Pontesbury Library please visit


  • For more information on Friends of Pontesbury Library please visit


18th March 2020

Following national advice from the National Association of Local Councils, Pontesbury Parish Council are holding an extraordinary meeting on Monday 23 March to put in place measures so that all further council meetings are suspended until advised otherwise.


Please keep an eye on the parish council website for updates

These are some trusted websites to enable you to keep up to date with news on the virus nationally and locally




We urge you to let your local councillor know if you have concerns about any of your neighbours, who may not have anyone locally to support them; if you need help and/or if you are able to help support your fellow residents in any way.

We will keep you up to date about any community support initiatives using the parish council website


Thank you and keep well