Shropshire Local Plan review – public meeting for Minsterley and Pontesbury parishes on Wednesday 9 January 2019 at Habberley Village Hall 7-9pm.
An opportunity to find out more about the proposed development sites in this area. Anna Jones, Planning Officer from Shropshire Council and Cllr N Hignett will be in attendance to answer your questions and hear your views.
Shropshire Council’s Planning Policy Team has launched the ‘Preferred Sites’ Consultation which will run from Thursday 29th November 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019. During this time there will be a number of public meetings open to all, throughout the county where the Local Plan process and local development proposals will be explained and there will be the opportunity to highlight issues specific concerns and suggest alternatives to the preferred approach set out in the consultation document. Please come along and have your say on how your community is shaped for the future.
The Preferred Sites Consultation Document outlines a housing policy direction to improve the delivery of local housing needs and establishes development guidelines and development boundaries for Shrewsbury, the Principal and Key Centres and each proposed Community Hub, including Minsterley and Pontesbury. It sets out the preferred sites to deliver the scale and distribution of housing and employment growth during the period 2016 to 2036 in these communities.
Shropshire Councillor’s Nick Hignett and Roger Evans said “Minsterley and Pontesbury are in the same place plan area, so by holding this joint meeting we are giving residents of both communities the chance to hear more about the development proposals, and to give us their thoughts on what is being proposed. We know that residents want to protect the character of Minsterley and Pontesbury, but also see the need to allow new housing to help maintain the services and activities delivered there in the future. We’d urge members of the public to come along and have their say”
Whether or not you attend any of the public meetings you can still comment on the proposals by following the link below and commenting on the documents on line.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact your local Community Enablement Officer Mathew Mead at