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15th January 2020


Pontesbury Parish Council are inviting Expressions of Interest for the following role(s) for the THE PAVILION.

(the new community building next to the Co-op on Hall Bank due to open in Spring)


Closing date for Expressions of Interest: Friday 31 January 2020


Building Assistant:

  • Opening up/locking up/preparation for day/evening meetings and occasionally at weekends
  • Co-ordinating bookings for small meeting room
  • Could have a development role for the future of the building

We envisage a minimum of 10 hours per week, worked on a flexible weekly basis.   Potential to expand the role in the future.


Cleaner: to clean the building to a high standard – minimum 8 hours per week.  This could be on a self-employed basis.  


Salaries available on application.


More information/detailed job descriptions available from

Parish Clerk - Debbie Marais   Clerk@pontesburypc.org.uk  Tel: 01691 661157


Experience essential.     References will be required.

8th July 2019

Mary Webb School and Science College is part of the Central Shropshire Academy Trust and we are looking for a number of co-opted governors to join our friendly local governing body. Our governors come from a range of different backgrounds, skills and experience but all share the school’s values and have a common interest of wanting the best possible education for the young people in our school.
There is no requirement for you to have an understanding of the education system, just the skills, character and time to contribute. There is plenty of training available to help you learn about education but we need a range of professional knowledge on our governing board and are looking for people with skills in special educational needs, finance, human resources, legal, marketing, property & estates management, organisational change and safeguarding.
Co-opted governors are not elected but instead appointed directly by the governing body, usually for a term of four years. In this voluntary role you will:

  •  Help to set and review the schools strategic direction and agreeing targets for improvement.
  •  Hold the headteacher and school leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its students
  •  Oversee the financial performance of the school

You will become responsible for a subject area or specific aspect of the school, serve on one or two of our sub-committees and be required to attend and contribute to termly full governing body meetings. Meetings are usually towards the end of the day but as a subject link you will be required to make occasional visits into school during the day time.
If you are interested or know of somebody else who would be then please contact Mrs Nicky Murray on 01743 792101 no later than Friday 19th July 2019 (or email nmurray@marywebbschool.com if that date has passed) to make arrangements to have an informal chat with the chair of governors and headteacher.
Governors are essential for the effectiveness and success of our school and it is an extremely rewarding and fulfilling role.
Quotes from our latest Ofsted report regarding the governance in school were:

  •  “The governing body is very well informed”
  •  “They are closely involved in the life of the school, make regular visits to the school”

Working together to ensure success for all


 For contact details please see attached letter 'How to apply'

3rd July 2019

Feed the Birds is a ground-breaking project, using a nature-based approach to tackle health issues.

The project is aiming to help people who are lonely and/or socially isolated get closer to nature, by feeding the birds in their garden with the help of a volunteer who visits each week. Feeding garden birds and talking to an enthusiastic helper is proving to have simple but profound benefits to those involved.

Working alongside Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group and Telford and Wrekin Council we have so far trained 30 volunteers, with 20 beneficiaries being visited. It has been overwhelming to witness the difference this project has made for beneficiaries, their families and even the volunteers.

It has become apparent that having a regular visit from a friendly face who is not a health professional, chatting about a shared interest, doing something positive and taking responsibility for the birds builds confidence, provides enjoyment and contributes to improved health and wellbeing. We are also feeding bird sightings into the National databases to help research into bird trends across the country.

For more information please contact: Diane Monether Volunteer Coordinator dianem@shropshirewildlifetrust.org.uk or 01743284280




'The Pavilion'
23rd May 2019

Your new community building  ‘The Pavilion’ 

Find out more about your new community building by coming along to the public meeting on

Thursday 13 June at Pontesbury Public Hall between 2 and 8pm.

As part of the Hall Bank development, Shropshire Homes have gifted the local area a brand new building for use by the community, ‘The Pavilion’.  The Pavilion, situated at the top of Hall Bank alongside the new Co-op and Ark nursery building, will house, amongst other things, the re-located Pontesbury community library.  The Pavilion building offers the opportunity not only for the services offered by the library, but also to develop further into a resource centre; a potential informal meeting place; signposting to local sources of  information and support.  There could be drop-in sessions by local community organisations to promote what they can offer and outreach sessions from organisations further afield, reducing the need to travel to Shrewsbury to access these services.   There is potentially the  facilities to support local businesses such as a room suitably equipped for training events.  The Pavilion offers services to residents in the Pontesbury Parish and to the wider Rea Valley communities.

Please come along and tell us what you would like to see happening in the community building and to find out more about how you can get involved.  There will be photos and plans of the inside of the building for you to see.

2-7pm Drop-in any time to chat, find out more and put forward your ideas - Give us your ideas and we will enter you for a prize draw for a wonderful Hignett's Hamper

7pm - Presentations from Shropshire Library Service about the re-location of the library and Pontesbury Parish Council about the new building.

We look forward to seeing you and hearing your ideas.

Pavilion Guidance Group

11th April 2019

A big thank you goes to three young eco-warriers in the parish who have spent time clearing litter and rubbish down at the play area.  The parish councillors were really pleased to see young people helping to keep our local environment a pleasant place to live and their hard work highlights how we all need to do our bit to reduce plastic polution.  They join a band of unsung heros within the community that work quietly away regularly clearing litter from around the parish to whom the parish council is very grateful.

18th February 2019

Pontesbury Parish Council recently advertised a casual vacancy for the statutory notice period, but no requests were received for a by-election to be held.
Applications are now being sought from any suitably qualified person who wishes to stand for co-option onto the Council.
Written applications should be made to the Clerk of the Council by no later than Friday 29 March 2019 and these will be considered at the Parish Council Meeting to be held on Monday 8 April 2019
For an informal discussion, please contact the Clerk to the Council.

This notice is dated 18 February 2019

Debbie Marais
Parish Clerk
Pontesbury Parish Council
8 Holbache Rd
SY11 1RP

Tel: 01691 661157
Email: clerk@pontesburypc.org.uk

12th February 2019

Congratulations to Douglas Jones who was co-opted to the Parish Council on Monday 11 February for the Pontesbury Ward.

Mr Jones has lived in the area for 50 years and has a background in construction and community regeneration.  

30th January 2019




that a casual vacancy has occurred in the office of Councillor for the Pontesbury Ward, of Pontesbury Parish Council following the death of Councillor Sue Picken


Rule 5(2) of The Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules, 2006 now applies.

The rule allows TEN ELECTORS for the ward in which the casual vacancy has arisen to request the Returning Officer to hold an election to fill the vacancy.* That request must be made within FOURTEEN DAYS, calculated in accordance with the rules,** of the date of this notice. The fourteen-day period ends on 15/2/19 .


What if a request to hold an election is not received during the permitted time?

Rule 5(5) of the above Rules will apply. The Parish Council must, as soon as practicable after the expiry of the fourteen-day period, co-opt a person to fill the vacancy.

The Returning Officer’s address is:

Electoral Services, Shropshire Council,

The Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY2 6ND

The telephone number for further guidance is 0345 678 9015.


* There is no form of words for this request, which might simply be a letter headed with such words as “We the undersigned being electors for the [Ward of] … Parish, call for an election to fill the vacancy arising from the [death][resignation] of …”. A template entitled “Request for an Election” is available to download from Shropshire Council’s website – www.shropshire.gov.uk - under “Current Council Vacancies”. It is helpful if the ten signatures are accompanied by printed names and addresses.

** In calculating the notice period, day one is the day following the date of this notice; a Saturday, Sunday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Good Friday or a Bank Holiday or day appointed for public thanksgiving or mourning shall be disregarded, and the period closes at midnight on the fourteenth day after the date of this notice. Rule 5(2) of The Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules, 2006 now applies.


This notice is dated 28th January 2019


Debbie Marais

Parish Clerk