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Minsterley and Pontesbury Councillors, Clerk and Highline with one of the new solar lights installed on the cycleway linking the two villages
16th March 2022

Safer Speed Shropshire

For the first time in both Shropshire and the West Mercia Police area, automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) cameras are going up in three villages this week in a bid to deter speeding drivers, following the award of an £18,600 grant from the West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner.

Pontesbury, Minsterley and Great Hanwood parish councils made a successful joint bid for the funding as part of efforts to tackle speeding traffic in their villages. It’s the first such funding award in the West Mercia area.

This money is being match-funded by each parish council and is the result of the many requests received to try and persuade drivers of all vehicles to slow down when passing through these rural villages, which all lie on the A488. 

The funding means one ANPR camera will be placed on a Shropshire Council street-lighting column in each village, in locations that will benefit most from a reduction in speed.

The cameras are being installed on Wednesday 16 and Thursday 17 March, on the approach to each village. They are being fitted to Shropshire Council lampposts so their locations can be changed without notice, making them even more effective.

Each camera uses the very latest in ANPR technology. Unlike conventional ‘speed cameras’ ANPR can record a vehicle’s speed, number plate, time, date and photograph it. The software can also record offenders, who could be visited by the police.

They can and will also be used to fight rural crime, and build an intelligence picture.

In a joint quote, the chairs of the three parish councils and the local Shropshire Councillors  – Geoff Rogers, Duncan Fletcher, Roger Evans and Nick Hignett, said:

“The three parishes of the Rea Valley and local Shropshire Councillors have formed a partnership, SAFER SPEED SHROPSHIRE, and have worked closely together to get this scheme implemented and we are extremely grateful to the West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner and Shropshire Council who have all been instrumental in getting it off the ground. We are also grateful for the assistance provided by Charles Pedrick, who has been involved in a similar scheme in Gloucestershire.

“Information from local residents and accompanying data show that many drivers exceed the speed limit when passing though the villages. These new cameras are vital to ensure the safety of our residents, and those using our roads.

“ANPR is ground-breaking for our local communities as it actually records a registration number - something can be done without inflicting the full force of the law.

“We hope motorists will see it as less heavy handed than an instant fine and a deterrent to them speeding in future.”

Richard Marshall, Shropshire Council’s deputy Cabinet member for highways, said:

“We know that speeding traffic is an issue of real concern to residents across the county. I’m delighted that these three parish councils have been successful in their bid for funding and that we’ve been able to support them in their plans to install these new cameras – which I hope will make a real difference to improving road safety.”

John Campion, West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner, said:

“Road safety is a concern to communities across Shropshire. As PCC, I am resolute in tackling the issue of speeding and working with communities to make our roads safer.

“Through the introduction of the automatic number plate recognition cameras in these three Shropshire villages, communities will see an improvement where they live. I remain committed to supporting West Mercia Police, communities and partners to make a difference to the safety of our roads, and ultimately reduce the number of people being killed or seriously injured on our roads.”

It’s hoped that more such cameras will be introduced in Shropshire in the future.


16th March 2022



Closing date for Applications: 17.00 on Monday 28th March 2022


Pontesbury Parish Council has a vacancy for a Finance/Admin Officer, to join the council team as soon as possible.


Pontesbury Parish is comprised of the thriving, large village of Pontesbury (7 miles from the county town of Shrewsbury) and various smaller villages/settlements within the rural surrounding area. The parish council serves a population of approximately 4000. There are 15 councillors covering 5 wards.


The post holder will:

  • Carry out the day-to-day financial activities associated with payments, invoicing and banking in accordance with Financial Regulations and using Scribe accounting software
  • Prepare associated reports for council and audit purposes
  • Manage newsletter subscriptions
  • Assist the Clerks with other financial matters

We are looking for a highly motivated, methodical and enthusiastic individual with sound financial management, administrative, communication and organisational skills who is able to be flexible in their approach and able to meet deadlines.

The salary is based on 10 hours per week. The Salary will be calculated according to the NJC rates dependent upon qualifications and/or experience but will be within SCP 18-20 (£24,982 - £25,991 pro-rata for 10 hours).

Interviews will be held on Tuesday 5th April 2022 with a view to start as soon as possible. 

Please click on the link below for an application pack.  For further information,  email clerk@pontesburypc.org.uk or call Parish Clerk on 01691 661157.  


Previous applicants need not apply.


16th March 2022





that a casual vacancy has occurred in the office of Councillor for Cruckton Ward of Pontesbury Parish Council, following the resignation of Councillor Colin Robinson

Rule 5(2) of The Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules, 2006 now applies.

The rule allows TEN ELECTORS for the parish [ward] in which the casual vacancy has arisen to request the Returning Officer to hold an election to fill the vacancy.*  That request must be made within FOURTEEN DAYS, calculated in accordance with the rules,** of the date of this notice.  The fourteen-day period ends on 11TH APRIL 2022.               


What if a request to hold an election is not received during the permitted time?

Rule 5(5) of the above Rules will apply.  The Parish Council must, as soon as practicable after the expiry of the fourteen-day period, co-opt a person to fill the vacancy.


The Returning Officer’s address is:  Electoral Services, Shropshire Council, The Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY2 6ND

The telephone number for further guidance is 0345 678 9015.

This notice is dated 22nd March 2022.

Debbie Marais, Parish Clerk   clerk@pontesburypc.org.uk  01691 661157


If you are interested in becoming a parish councillor please contact the Parish Clerk.  Some useful information is included in the links below.


*   There is no form of words for this request, which might simply be a letter headed with such words as “We the undersigned being electors for the [Ward of] … Parish, call for an election to fill the vacancy arising from the [death][resignation] of …”.  A template entitled “Request for an Election” is available to download from Shropshire Council’s website – www.shropshire.gov.uk - under “Current Council Vacancies”.  It is helpful if the ten signatures are accompanied by printed names and addresses. 

**             In calculating the notice period, day one is the day following the date of this notice; a Saturday, Sunday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Good Friday or a Bank Holiday or day appointed for public thanksgiving or mourning shall be disregarded, and the period closes at midnight on the fourteenth day after the date of this notice. Rule 5(2) of The Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules, 2006 now applies.



Neighbourhood Matters - local policing messaging system
9th March 2022

Find out what's really happening in your area and keep in touch with West Mercia Police through our free messaging service. The Neighbourhood Matters messaging system enables residents, businesses and community groups to keep in touch with local policing teams. You can receive updates on crimes, latest information on on-going incidents and learn more about what we're doing in your community. You're invited to sign up and become a registered recipient of messages of information, crime alerts or witness appeals local to the area in which you live or work by email, text or telephone. Don't worry, we won't bombard you with every incident. You can choose exactly the type of alert you wish to receive. We'd really like to hear from you so why not ask your family, friends and colleagues to register too? Let’s get talking! Please note that this service is not for reporting crimes or incidents – to make a report please contact West Mercia Police via the West Mercia Police website or dial 999 in an emergency. www.neighbourhoodmatters.co.uk

9th March 2022

This Order is made by the Shropshire Council (“the Council”) under
section 119 of the Highways Act 1980 (“the 1980 Act”) because it appears to
the Council that in the interests of the landowner of the land crossed by the
footpath described in paragraph 1 of this order it is expedient that the line of
the way should be diverted.
This Order is also made under section 53A (2) of the Wildlife Countryside Act
1981 (“the 1981 Act”) because it appears to the authority that the Shropshire
definitive map and statement require modification in consequence of the
occurrence of an event specified in section 53 (3)(a)(i) of the 1981 Act,
namely, the diversion (as authorised by this Order) of a highway shown or
required to be shown in the map and statement.
1. The public right of way over the land situated at Lower Mill Kennels
and shown by a bold continuous line on the map contained in this Order and
described in Part 1 of the Schedule to this Order shall be stopped up on the
date that the Council certifies that works have been carried out to bring the
site of the new footpath described in Part 2 of the Schedule to this Order into
a fit condition for use by the public and thereupon the Shropshire definitive
map shall be modified by deleting from it the public right of way to be stopped
FP 14 Pontesbury
2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1 of this Order statutory undertakers
shall have the following rights over the land referred to in paragraph 1 above,
namely: where immediately before the date on which the footpath is diverted
there is apparatus under, in, on, over, along or across it belonging to statutory
undertakers for the purpose of carrying on their undertaking, the undertakers
shall continue to have the same right in respect of the apparatus as they then
3. There shall on the date of confirmation of this Order be a public
footpath over the land situated at Lower Mill Kennels described in Part 2 of the
Schedule and shown by bold broken lines on the map contained in this Order
and thereupon the Shropshire definitive map shall be modified by adding that
path to it.
3A. The Shropshire definitive statement shall be modified as described
in Part 4 of the Schedule to this order.
4. The rights conferred on the public under this Order shall be subject to
the limitations and conditions set out in Part 3 of the Schedule.

1st March 2022

Pontesbury Climate Emergency Action group are holding a Spring Back Onto Your Bike!  event on Saturday 19th March 10am - 2pm.

There will be a chance to have an e-bike trial with Dave Mellor Cycles in Shrewsbury

Have simple repairs done by Dr Bike 10am-1pm.  Donations appreciated

Swap those unwanted biking accessories/clothing (not helmets)

Have a Carbon Conversation about how you can lowering carbon emissions on an individual/household basis

Get advice on getting back onto your bike or taking up cycling

Tea and light refreshments available..


Look forward to seeing you there!

1st March 2022

Where can I find the Parish Plan?

Either inside the March edition of the Pontesbury Parish Newsletter or it will be available to view online at pontesburyneighbourhoodplan.org.uk

How can I feedback my comments?

The consultation period runs from 1st March – 12th April 2022.  Your response forms can be found in the newsletter at the end of the draft plan – return it via:

  • The Pavilion postbox
  • Fill in a form online at the website
  • Publicised events at The Pavilion during the consultation period

This is your chance to have your say on the future of development with our Parish so please take the time to respond.

All entries will be entered in the prize draw to win an original framed illustration of Pontesbury village by local artist Emma Lawrence.


During the past year the Steering Group consisting of residents and parish councillors has,  with the help  of a planning consultant, worked hard to shape the wishes of the community into a workable Neighbourhood Plan for the whole parish.


The emerging Pontesbury Parish Neighbourhood Plan gives its residents the opportunity to influence future development to a much greater extent than previously. Within the Parish is part of the Shropshire Hills AONB, conservation areas at Plealey and Habberley and many other unspoilt, tranquil and beautiful landscapes.


Working alongside the Revised Shropshire Local Plan the Neighbourhood Plan aims to safeguard the beauty and character of the Parish landscape and buildings as well as the opportunity to enjoy them.


Change and future development are inevitable but the scale location and character of these will be influenced by the Plan. Providing that proposed development contributes to beauty, Parish character, well being and carbon reduction Pontesbury Neighbourhood Plan will support it.

Hence the guiding principle of the Plan is BIMBY [ Beauty In My Back Yard ] not NIMBY [Not In My Back Yard ].


Key policies in the Plan relate to services, landscape, housing, movement, business and carbon reduction. Consultation on these policies takes place between 1st March and 12th April 2022. All residents and other interested parties are encouraged to respond to the draft Plan which will be issued with the March edition of the Pontesbury Newsletter. The full Plan may be consulted at www.pontesburyneighbourhoodplan.org.uk

Anyone who has not received a written copy of the draft summary may request one from clerk@pontesburypc.org.uk


15th February 2022


Our January parish council meeting focussed on the budget for 2022-23 and setting the precept. The parish council agreed an increase of 20.68% which equates to an additional 46p/week on a Band D property. The Councillors consider in great detail the costs of providing/maintaining the services currently offered such as the play area, public toilets, streetlights, grounds maintenance, newsletter production and the Pavilion Community hub.  The Parish Council endeavour to provide value for money.  There is always the balance between the need to move forward and maintain the facilities/services that make this parish such a vibrant and thriving place to live, with keeping costs down.

Many costs such as energy, maintenance contract charges and materials are set to rise in the next 12 months and the precept needs to be set to accommodate these additional charges.  One of the main outgoings for the council is staffing costs in order to provide the range of services undertaken on behalf of the community and discharging the legal duties placed on a council.  The legal and financial framework that a public organisation operates within is increasingly complex and appropriately qualified and trained staff are necessary.  In addition, increased staff time has been involved in running a public building and the range of activities on offer.  The Pavilion is now being used daily to provide valuable support and cultural activities for local residents.  If you haven’t been in yet, please do come along to see what is on offer.  

If you have any questions/comments about the precept/2022-23 budget (available for viewing on the parish council website) please contact Cllr Duncan Fletcher (Chair) on dfletcher@ pontesburypc.org.uk  

or clerk@ pontesburypc.org.uk

19th January 2022


Closing date for Applications: 17.00 on Friday 4th February 2022

Pontesbury Parish Council has a vacancy for a Finance/Admin Officer, to join the council team as soon as possible.

The post holder will:

  • Carry out the day-to-day financial activities associated with payments, invoicing and banking in accordance with Financial Regulations and using Scribe accounting software
  • Prepare associated reports for council and audit purposes
  • Manage newsletter subscriptions
  • Assist the Clerks with other financial matters

We are looking for a highly motivated, methodical and enthusiastic individual with sound financial management, administrative, communication and organisational skills who is able to be flexible in their approach and able to meet deadlines.

The salary is based on 10 hours per week. The Salary will be calculated according to the NJC rates dependent upon qualifications and/or experience but will be within SCP 18-20 (£24,982 - £25,991 pro-rata for 10 hours).

Interviews will be held w/c Monday 14 February 2022 with a view to start as soon as possible.  Interviews may be held virtually depending on COVID-19 restrictions.

For an application form, job description or further information, please see links below.  For further information or an informal conversation about the post please email clerk@pontesburypc.org.uk/or call  on 01691 661157.  



11th November 2021

Feelgood Friday events will be held regularly at this great new community building to promote the wide range of leisure, cultural and support organisations locally for the Rea Valley communities.


The first event is being held on Friday 19th November,  11am- 3pm.  Everyone Welcome!

The theme for this first Feel Good Friday is: Support for Older People & Carers

Come along and chat to people who can give guidance and support,  or just have a cuppa!  (Refreshments kindly provided by Pontesbury Co-op)