Where can I find the Parish Plan?
Either inside the March edition of the Pontesbury Parish Newsletter or it will be available to view online at pontesburyneighbourhoodplan.org.uk
How can I feedback my comments?
The consultation period runs from 1st March – 12th April 2022. Your response forms can be found in the newsletter at the end of the draft plan – return it via:
- The Pavilion postbox
- Fill in a form online at the website
- Publicised events at The Pavilion during the consultation period
This is your chance to have your say on the future of development with our Parish so please take the time to respond.
All entries will be entered in the prize draw to win an original framed illustration of Pontesbury village by local artist Emma Lawrence.
During the past year the Steering Group consisting of residents and parish councillors has, with the help of a planning consultant, worked hard to shape the wishes of the community into a workable Neighbourhood Plan for the whole parish.
The emerging Pontesbury Parish Neighbourhood Plan gives its residents the opportunity to influence future development to a much greater extent than previously. Within the Parish is part of the Shropshire Hills AONB, conservation areas at Plealey and Habberley and many other unspoilt, tranquil and beautiful landscapes.
Working alongside the Revised Shropshire Local Plan the Neighbourhood Plan aims to safeguard the beauty and character of the Parish landscape and buildings as well as the opportunity to enjoy them.
Change and future development are inevitable but the scale location and character of these will be influenced by the Plan. Providing that proposed development contributes to beauty, Parish character, well being and carbon reduction Pontesbury Neighbourhood Plan will support it.
Hence the guiding principle of the Plan is BIMBY [ Beauty In My Back Yard ] not NIMBY [Not In My Back Yard ].
Key policies in the Plan relate to services, landscape, housing, movement, business and carbon reduction. Consultation on these policies takes place between 1st March and 12th April 2022. All residents and other interested parties are encouraged to respond to the draft Plan which will be issued with the March edition of the Pontesbury Newsletter. The full Plan may be consulted at www.pontesburyneighbourhoodplan.org.uk
Anyone who has not received a written copy of the draft summary may request one from clerk@pontesburypc.org.uk